Short description


The project supports Liguria region in implementing an interdisciplinary, multisectoral and innovative management model for sustainable tourism, as a driving force for the entire Liguria region and for its western coastal area, including the Gallinara island. The action is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by the University of Genoa, in cooperation with the European Commission, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM). The project will implement a multi-sector approach by promoting complementary synergies between sustainable tourism, the labour market and competitiveness thus enhancing and preserving the local natural environment and cultural heritage within the regional socio-economic fabric, especially with respect to local employment and climate change adaptation. This technical support project for the development of Western Liguria, through cooperation between the Liguria Region, DG REFORM and the University of Genoa, will allow the transmission of good practices to other European regions precisely because of the innovative aspects it presents, including the valorisation of the ecosystem services on which the sustainable tourism development model will be based and the importance of training activities for businesses and young people envisaged, in order to generate new employment opportunities and retain talent in these areas. The project is expected to support:

  • The diversification and increase of local employment with a focus on environmental sustainability, including through targeted training to enhance the potential of coastal and local communities, especially in the case of young people.
  • The adoption of a new model of experimental tourism to promote inclusive educational and outdoor/sport experiences.
  • The implementation of a participatory governance model to strengthen the capacity and skills of local public and private actors through innovative synergies and the sustainable use of resources, including the use of e.g., green accounting, ecosystem payment schemes, etc.
  • The dissemination of good practices to other European regions.

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Last update 24 January 2024